Busted Halo Cast
Answering your questions of faith
Busted Halo Cast #238 - Do Catholics Believe in Ghosts?

Do Catholics Believe in Ghosts?  What does the Church teach nowadays about ghosts?  Brittany's back from jury duty!  Church search (and Brittany) got Philadelphia.  4-28-10.

Direct download: Busted_Halo_Cast_238.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:35pm EST

Busted Halo Cast #237 - Can I partake of the cup at Communion if I've pledged to give up alcohol?

Can I partake of the cup at Communion if I've pledged to give up alcohol? Brittany's STILL on Jury Duty, so...more Joe Williams.  Church Search in Salt Lake City, UT.  4-21-10.

Direct download: Busted_Halo_Cast_237.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:57pm EST

Where can I get a Bible that contains the Book of Judith?  Brittany's on Jury Duty, so... special guest co-host Joe Williams!  Church Search in Galveston, TX.  4-14-10.

Direct download: Busted_Halo_Cast_236.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:55pm EST

Busted Halo Cast #235 - After the resurrection, why did Jesus present himself as




After the resurrection, why did Jesus present himself as "unrecognizable"?  It's the Octave of Easter!  Church Search in Ketchican, AK.  4-07-10.


Direct download: BHaloCast_235.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:42pm EST